Welcome to Securicheck.

We are the solution to your problem.

We are the complete detective agency with around 30 years experience in criminal and civil investigations. Securicheck is committed to serve and protect its clients from crime and financial loss.

If you’re not sure Securicheck it.


We solve the crimes other agencies say don’t exist.

Mission statement:

“to provide a comprehensive range of professional services to meet the needs of our clients.”

Securicheck was established in 1974 and are specialists in major criminal investigations, prosecution and defence.

Securicheck has a commitment in that all staff is either ex-police or military intelligence trained. All are security vetted and fully conversant with current legal procedures and all investigations and reports meet the highest legal criteria.
Securicheck offer a personal service for commercial and private clients on a one-to-one, need to know basis.

We specialise in criminal and civil investigations including covert surveillance, secret filming, covert recording and telephone monitoring, obtaining video evidence, matrimonial and family, divorce, asset tracing, monitoring the behaviour of family members, i.e. Juveniles/employees involved in the misuse of drugs and other criminal behaviour, detection and prevention.

Drugs and juveniles:



Parents who are scared but want to know the truth hire Securicheck. Securicheck specialise in investigating children and juveniles who are suspected by their parents for taking and dealing drugs. We were recently hired by a respectable family ho were concerned about their son’s welfare. Securicheck fitted a monitoring device on the telephone of the family home, and fitted tracking devices to the son’s vehicle and several other monitoring devices.

Within 48 hours our investigators obtained solid evidence that he was not only using drugs, but was in the process of investing several thousand pounds in ecstasy tablets to make a large financial profit dealing.

Evidence was produced to the parents; in conjunction with them, the boy was detained at the time of purchasing the drugs. The boy was taken out of the situation, the authorities were consulted and the professional drug dealers were dealt with by the legal system.

12 months later, the lad who is now 21 has a full time professional job, and has no connection with drugs or drug users. Initially he was anti mother and father at the time of being exposed, but now he appreciates what they had to do, and sent a letter to Securicheck thanking us for saving him from a life of drugs and prison.

Securicheck agents told him the facts of life, what happens to young men in prison. He was shown the inside of a prison and the type of people who frequent these places. He was taken to a local magistrates court at 10am to show him the individuals who attend courts on a regular basis. He was also shown people who live their life relying on drugs, the crimes they commit from theft and male and female prostitution to murder.

We at Securicheck are proud to say that we succeeded with this young man on behalf of our clientsand prevented him on ruining his life by getting a criminal conviction.

Parents you must remember it’s your duty to protect your children from the criminals who are prepared to sell them drugs.

Vetting your children’s friends for involvement in the misuse of drugs and criminal misdemeanours – prevention is better than cure – Do you know what your children are doing?

Do you know who you are doing business with or getting involved with? Business or personal, intended marriage or relationships. We at Securicheck will carry out discreet covert investigations into your intended business/marriage partner.

It is better to know now then not to know at all, be sure Securicheck them.